Machakos, known to the locals as “Masaku” is a colorful town in Kenya situated an hour’s drive from Nairobi. However, Machakos is becoming an increasingly popular getaway for team building, due to its rolling hills, scenic views, and an increasing number of resorts and adventure parks. From outdoor activities to peaceful getaways, or somewhere between the two, Machakos is home to a range of venues to fit the needs of your team. We have compiled a list of five great team-building places in Machakos that will give you an unforgettable experience.
Lukenya Getaway
This travel destination among the Lukenya Hills is a great team-building spot. The rest of the facility is used for team-building, communication, and problem-solving tasks. Whether it’s a course with obstacles or treasure hunts, Lukenya Getaway has customized packages to suit the needs of small teams and large groups. It is a perfect destination for team-building in Machakos.
Key Features:
- Vast outdoor spaces for team-building activities.
- Facilitators for group activities.
- Hotel on the premises from standard rooms to executive suites.
- A swimming pool and lounge areas to unwind.
- Interacting with wildlife and hiking and rock-climbing opportunities on Lukenya Hills.
The calm setting allows teams to connect free of daily office distractions. Plus, the retreat is close to Nairobi, making it convenient for groups in the city.
Ol Donyo Sabuk National Park
If your teams are looking for an adventurous getaway, this is where nature meets the dream of greatly bonding groups. The park, situated roughly 20 kilometers from Machakos town, features a variety of wild animals, greenery, and the Ol Donyo Sabuk Mountain.
Key Features:
- Guided walks to the summit of Ol Donyo Sabuk Mountain for stunning landscape views.
- Wildlife watch, from buffalo and monkeys to all kinds of birds.
- Group nature trails: Good places to walk and bond.
- Outdoor space for picnics and team challenges.
The natural setting at the park and some of the rugged activities help to cultivate resilience, collaboration, and teamwork among participants.
Machakos People’s Park
One place that has gained popularity for corporate team bonding activities is Machakos People’s Park, with its wide spaces and a variety of facilities. Nestled near Machakos town, this well-maintained recreational park offers relaxation and adventure in equal measure.
Key Features:
- Zones for team building with logistics for group workouts and challenges.
- Boating Lake, a manmade lake.
- An amphitheater for presentations and group discussion.
- Pretty gardens and picnic spots for relaxed bonding.
- Walking and cycling tracks.
It is excellent for day trips and can host large groups. After their rigorous sessions, teams may also indulge in leisure activities ranging from nature walks to boat rides.
Maanzoni Lodge
In addition, Maanzoni Lodge is not only famous for teambuilding and corporate retreats. This lodge is located just along the Nairobi-Mombasa highway and gives the perfect mix of comfort and adventure. Its professional services and peaceful environment make it popular amongst organizations.
Key Features:
- Custom-designed team-building packages with qualified facilitators.
- Large grounds for outdoor games and sports.
- Conference facilities for workshops and training sessions.
- Cozy lodging and plenty of eats.
- Team bonding through nature walks and bush treks.
Maanzoni Lodge is especially well-suited for those looking to mix business with pleasure, offering outstanding spaces for formal and informal engagements.
Savannah Lodge
Savannah Lodge provides a peaceful and inspiring environment for team building, situated just off the famous Machakos Hills. Nestled at one with nature but with all the trappings of a more high-tech venue this facility is a great option for those who want to refresh their organizations.
Key Features:
- Outside for larger team-building activities.
- A pool and recreational facilities to relax in.
- Team-building experts to create and lead the activities.
- Rustic vibes yet comfortable stay under one roof.
- Close to scenic places such as Iveti Forest for nature walks.
Savannah Lodge focuses on creating a casual and fun environment where team members can unwind while also working on and building relationships and problem-solving skills.
Team Building in Machakos – Why Choose It?
With its beautiful scenery and state-of-the-art facilities, Machakos is a prime getaway that is only an hour’s drive away from Nairobi. The town’s warm weather and variety of venues satisfy a range of tastes, from active outings to lazy escapes. Also, many of the aforementioned destinations have customizable packages to help you achieve your team-building objectives.
How to Plan a Successful Team-Building Activity
Here are some tips on how to enjoy the best team-building exercise in Machakos:
- Identify Goals: Since the objectives would differ greatly for every team, identify the goals you want to achieve through the team-building activities.
- Engage Professionals: Plan activities with experienced facilitators who can customize activities by looking into your team dynamics.
- Plan Logistics: Make arrangements for transportation, meals, lodging, etc.
- Meld in Contributions: Create a safe zone for all members to share and input.
- Follow Up: Work on collecting feedback from attendees and reflect on results to determine success.
From a diverse variety of venues suitable for all team building needs to beautiful sceneries, Machakos is a great option for all kinds of teams.
From collaborative games to communication exercises to blowing off steam as a group, the types of activities in Machakos will never be forgotten!
From the adventure-packed Ol Donyo Sabuk National Park to the opulent Maanzoni Lodge, these venues offer great settings for stronger, closer teams.
Come along schedule your next team Retribution in Machakos and witness your group’s act, and inventiveness to the roof.
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