Disagreements in ideology or concept are a common thing at the corporate market place. Whenever conflict is not dealt with in / on time, it boils up to cause “war”; altercations between the interested parties.
Conflict has a negative effect on productivity and team synergy. Any clash in ideology or principles means that the same trickles down to affecting staff morale. It is therefore important, as team leaders to learn and understand that albeit being inevitable, conflict can be managed effectively and peacefully.Many at times, conflicting situations have turned into opportunities; to re-strategize, which eventually helps the institutions succeed.
Eagles Management Consultants understands this and endeavors to develop a program aimed at facilitating resolutions in conflict.
These course targets top level & middle level managers, team leaders and sectional heads i.e. supervisor as well as general employees.
•Assist members understand their role in avoiding and resolving conflict.
•Equip participants to develop and adopt a conflict resolution strategy.
•Identify the possible causes of conflict and their mitigation measures.
•Achieve an enhanced conflict-free work place
Module I: Understanding conflict.
•Defining conflict.
•The basis of conflict.
Module II: Types of conflict.
•Inner conflict.
•Group conflict.
•Intergroup conflict.
Module III: Styles and Strategies of handling conflict.
•Understanding your won approach to conflict.
•Thomas Kilmann’s mode instrument.
•Defining confrontation.
•Focusing on the bigger picture.
•Types of conflict management strategies and how to apply them effectively
Module IV: The conflict resolution process.
•Crosby’s Conflict Management process.
•Understanding the steps towards mediation.
•Adopting a management strategy.
•Reviewing the management process.
Our Approach:
We will assess your organization in terms of roles and meeting of responsibilities and develop training modules that define conflict, and emphasize on the principles and styles of rational conflict resolution both in a lectures set-up and application of case studies.